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Monday, October 14, 2002

isReplacedBy doesn't work

Bill Kearney: Look at the dcterms module. Specifically a very nice little element called "isReplacedBy".

Ben Hammersley: Works well for me.

Works for me too. [Sam Ruby]

No. They should not work. isReplacedBy would mean that your website is replaced. Not the feed. Unless you make the element a child or attribute of the rss element. But that would not be in the spirit of modules, but it might be the only 'correct' way.

I like Phil Ringnalda's solution more. The link module is perfect for this. But rel="redirect" has the same problem as Bill Kearney's solution. But the link items from the link module, and the link elements from the head of my website are at the same level. They both describe links from my weblog to somewhere else. So the rel="alternate" I have in my HTML file, could also be used in the RSS feed. But an alternate can never be an automated redirect. An aggregator could only give the user a choice between the alternates with application/rss+xml type.

Not a 'correct' solution in sight. Someone might as well be pragmatic then and create a new module.