Sjoerd Visscher's weblog
My ideas about new web technology that can change the future of the world wide web.
< Monday, May 20, 2002 >
And back it is!
Ideas for RSS Evolution: "Sjoerd Visscher and Rahul Dave both offered the same convincing argument for global IDs instead of local ones, so I flipped it back." [Dave Winer]
Yes! Thanks Dave!
Give me back that GUID
I updated my Ideas for Evolution of RSS page, posted yesterday. I realized that there was no need for global uniqueness of the id's, that uniqueness to the channel is good enough [Dave Winer]
I liked a GUID much more. Sometimes one item ends up in more than one channel. With a GUID you can tell it is the same item. Also, once you have a GUID, you can build from that. If a post is a reply to another post, the RSS file could point to that other post (using f.e. an <inReplyTo> element).
Radio can output XHTML
It's a safe bet that none of these are Radio weblogs, since Radio makes it virtually impossible to output XHTML. [dive into mark/May 19, 2002]
That's not really correct. This is an XHTML Radio weblog. It's true that Radio doesn't help you to output XHTML, but it's far from impossible.