Sjoerd Visscher's weblog

My ideas about new web technology that can change the future of the world wide web.

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10/25/2002; 8:16:03 PM

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Friday, March 01, 2002

Ps I am aware of Sjoerd Visscher's OPML Loader web app but he hasn't responded to my e-mails. []

Oops. Well, better late then never, so the OPML Loader is now available for download.

And of course, most of them were from Radio sources that use 0.92 RSS and don't send an at all, at all. [jbond's blog at]

It's probably on Userland's ToDo list. But I fixed it for my installation. It's the most convenient solution for bloggers who would want to blog my blogging. However, if I'm blogging about another webpage (which is usually the case), the link should actually contain the link to that item. But in blogging practice, the comments are more important than the original item. (And the original link is usually in the quoted part.) Or maybe that's a bit too general. But there certainly is a big difference between blogging news or blogging blogs.